Howdy my fellow sucubus's of the damned, its me, the guy with the hat who's name you could never pronounce right, until I changed it from Mackle-Mouix to just Mackle, but anyway hows everyones christmas been eh ? you all been good boys and girls ? but anyway, 2016 is almost round the corner and Ive got 2 big projects that i'm gonna be working on all year that are pretty ambitious in my opinion.
1. I'm working on an indie game
Ive teamed up with a programmer by the name of Pezomi (the developer of the game shoppy mart steam edtion) to make th art for his next game, i started working on this game in may, however I am not satisfied with my progress, so I am re-making everything i have done so far, hopefully the game will be out bythe end of 2016, maybe longer, who knows, but anyway enjoy a gif of the game without my art tee hee

2. I'm making my own animated series
For the past 8 months, i have been slowly developing characters, a plot, themes, etc for my upcoming animated series, i'm close to fully developing it all, just got a few things to perfect, i'm not going to spoil anything about it, but the series is basically a western with a diesel punk setting (at least thats what it was at first, its more of its own thing now) due to the detailed characters ive drawn so far, and my OCD about smooth lines suggests to me that this series could take all year to make, i'll be juggling these two big projects, don't expect much content coming anytime soon, except art and shit, anyway enjoy this character reference sheet of the main character of my series Bale Barletta
anyway, thats all i have to say, hope you all enjoy the rest of your 2015, i hope to see you all fairly soon......i hope
;) bye bye
Good stuff, can't wait to watch the pilot!!! :D
I cant wait for episode 2 of yo series dude