Its been a long time since I've made a news post, almost 4 years hot damn. Just wanted to say thanks for 1k followers, my last post I was nowhere near that number so theres a lot more of you checking out my work now which i am grateful for, thanks for liking what you see enough to follow me.
Ive been on this site for 5 years now, when i was 15, i'm 20 now, crazy how time flies by and how much you change, looking back at my oldest posts i cant help but internally cringe haha, but im sure thats natural.
In other news, the webcomic I have been working on for the past 4 years is close to making its debut, the comic has developed a lot since i began work on it back in 2016, gone through tons of changes and years of work scrapped/reworked, for the last year or two I worked out what comic i wanted to create, and have been slowly working on it, but now i am extremely close to release, the first 10 pages I'll post are ready, i just need to perfect the layout of everything and hopefully make more promotional art/ maybe get other artist to make variant covers. I'll post some sneak peak images below.
This is my upcoming scifi cyberpunk comic 'CHOKEPOINT'
ok thts all haha, since ive been working on this for so long, and have been talking about it for so long, just wanted to make an F.Y.I that the first 10 pages wont explain the story at all, it'll make no sense but i hope you like the art enough to stick around for more updates in the future.
Anyway, thanks for 1k followers guys and i hope to introduce you to the world of Chokepoint soon.
Looks Impressive Already Man, and the Dedication You've Put Into It Sounds Even More So. Haven't Been a Fan Long, but I'm Already Excited To See What You Can Pull Off. Godspeed Dude